It's funny how you think you know all about something until it happens to you. For example, I have plenty of friends who have already had babies and I thought I knew the adventures pregnancy would hold. Ha, was I wrong. Every month brought something new that made me think, "now why has nobody ever told me this before?" Then I figured out maybe it's because I never knew to ask. So, I wanted to share just a few things that I've learned throughout the last 37 weeks of my life.
1. No matter how great of shape you are in, a trip from your bed to the couch can be the most exhausting 25 feet you'll ever walk.
2. Maternity clothes are not one size fits all. What fits you in the beginning won't necessary do the job in the end.
3. Hot flashes are not just for menopausal women; pregnant women get them too. So when your spouse complains that the house is 70 degrees and why does the ceiling fan need to be on all night too, it's okay to tell him to shut up or go sleep in the other room.
4. Pregnancy has a way of taking the nicest people and making them say the dumbest things. I mean, is it really necessary to tell me how big my rear end has gotten or that my face looks fatter, people?!? (And by the way, that's really not a smart thing to say to a pregnant woman
when that pregnant woman is your boss).
5. Even the most adoring spouse is going to get scared to death of all the ways pregnancy changes the body. (Hubby never said anything per se but I've caught the shear look of terror on his face on multiple occasions).
6. By the end of pregnancy, intimacy with your spouse can be equated to a middle school dance (as my mother always said, "Make sure you leave room for the Holy Spirit!" Don't worry, Ma, with this belly, we have room for the Father, Son AND the Holy Spirit).
7. And lastly, you start missing parts of your body that you just always took for granted. Me? I miss my feet.